The Cultural Future Part 2: Make It The Future

On: Thursday, July 24, 2008

If you can remember, I wrote a quick little essay. Mostly about the future of culture due to the Internet. But, I also said the future wasn't all that great looking.
It is actually fairly grim.
Because, the internet doesn't really bring people together.
It could, but people don't use it correctly.
To understand the correct use of the internet, you have to look at what it was made for.

In the beginning, the internet was a project to bring universities together.
Another thing similar to the Internet (though I would consider it more of a closed transfer system [aka sms]) was used by the military to relay messages, documents, and other various information.

Now, flash forward to the early 90's.
The "internet" begins to find it's way into the mainstream.
Into the homes of people.
The people who build the first sites are obviously governments, organizations, and business.
However, the University students of the 60's, and 70's begin to put the small "university groups" out there in order to bring people together.

If you keep going through to the early 2000's, you find websites like Myspace and Xanga building from the original idea of bringing people together.

Problem with this?
Okay then, people naturally develop into their own group.
It's something most things do. Even nuts in a container seem to segregate in a way so that you have to eat a hundred peanuts just to get one buttery brazil nut.

As is life.

So, people of course built there friends and groups around what they liked.
What they were comfortable with.
This pisses me off.
It's what's going to destroy the internet.
And, it's someday going to ruin us.

Yes, I said ruin.
Big words, yes?

The internet is going to break us into smaller and smaller groups.
Not that we want to, it's just going to cause a whole lot more angst in us.
We're going to find ourselves staying more and more in or comfort range.
And, breaking out of it a whole lot less.
In a way, the internet has brought people together.
But it's really just putting people that are alike together.
That goes against the internet.

The internet was made to give power to the little people.
And to bring all people together.
But, we divide into groups.
So, we just make slightly larger groups that don't exist.

The stereotypes become stronger.
The people learn to hate more.
The internet fails in what it was made to do.

Course, I even do this.
Except, I step out of my comfort range.
Even now, writing this blog post is uncomfortable.
What are people going to think?
Meh, I don't care about that anymore.
I am Tyler, nothing changes that.
I am no group.
I am no stereotype.
I am not one who seeks comfort.
I seek the future.
I seek hope.

And, I know that that is what the internet is about.

Not building groups.
But destroying them.
It's about the people.
Not groups.

So, I close by asking you to step out of your comfort range.
Try new things.
Be somebody else.
Learn something new
Don't be a group.
Be a person.

Realize the dreams of or forefathers.
And fail the stereotypes...

Just because you know you can.

EXPLICT (At times)

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