Where's Tyler?

On: Thursday, October 16, 2008

Back, that's where.
For the past 2 monthes I have been at a treatment center getting better! And, it worked :D

I feel happier, more content, and, all in all, better. Flat-out better.
I'll post more later.
Gotta' get used to blogging again :p
I thought a lot about it last night, and I decided I'm just going to blog.
Forget the past, and start it over.
Well, by forget that past I mean not blogging about it.
I had issues, I'm back home, and my issues are healing over.
I'm at home, bored, typing the from my grandpa's computer because I can't get mine to work with internet -.-
Probably a missing driver or something.
I will get enrolled back it to school later today, and begin classes on Monday.
I saw Macey and Cari yesterday, and it was so great!
They seem very, very happy to see that I am
  1. Alive
  2. Back home
  3. Going back to school soon

I'm nervous because I already know that one guy hates me for what I did.
But, I got my friends, and my family.
So, I'll survive.
I'm really nervous about going back to school.
Not nervous that anything bad's going to happen. Just, that there will be frustrating people that hate me for my suicide attempt.

All I can do is prove I've changed, and show love in the face of hate.
Peace and what not.

That's something that's changed about me.
I can't stand violence, and killing anymore.
I even avoid killing insects now.
It's just, meaningless to harm things.

They do nothing to me, why should I effect them?
No reason too :)

And, I have my mantra, "It's not about winning or losing, just how much effort you put into it."

It's short, simple, honest, and easy to live by.
And I DO now.

I think I'll go.

I'm tired of my fingers moving :p

I'm not as good as I used to be at typing.

No music for now.
No reason for now.

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